Fresno Appraisal Group is experienced when you need appraisals for foreclosures in Fresno CountyThere are particular appraisal difficulties when we're talking about a home in foreclosure or one that has reverted to the institution's ownership.For a home in foreclosure, you would be wise to know the difference between market price and a "quick disposition" to know your possible charge-off liability. At Fresno Appraisal Group, we have the knowledge in both providing snapshots of market value for our mortgage originating clients, in addition to "quick sale" forecasts that understand your urgency.
Owners of homes in foreclosure, of course, can present special challenges. They could be opposed to allowing an inspection of the home. They may have deserted the house already and/or overlooked the care of the property for awhile - or even worse, caused damage to the home.
For a home that has already returned to Real Estate Owned, you likewise will be interested in a quick disposition. However, you might want to know about and compare three values - "as-is", "as repaired", and "quick sale". These represent: |